Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Surprise Picnic Dinner for Mrs. Turia Clinard Tesh, Aug. 1, 1922

Surprise Picnic Dinner for Mrs. Tesh of Clemmons

Clemmons, July 28—Mrs. Turia Clinard Tesh of Clemmons was tendered a delightful surprise Sunday when a large group of friends and relatives gathered at her home for the afternoon. They began to assemble about noon and set about at once to spread a sumptuous picnic dinner from well filled baskets to the shady grove near the home. The afternoon was enjoyed by every attendant as well as by the honoree.

Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Clinard and family from near High Point; Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Mendenhall and family; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tilletson and family and Miss Ruby Clinard from Winston-Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Saggs and family from Guthrie; Mr. J.W. Kimmel and son from Lewisville; Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Johnson and family; Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Nelson and family; and Mr. and Mrs. O.M. Clinard and family.

From The Western Sentinel, Winston-Salem, N.C., Aug. 1, 1922.

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