Friday, August 5, 2022

The Progressive Farmer Magazine Recommends College for Farm Boys, Aug. 5, 1922

For Ambitious Farm Boys and Their Fathers

Many a farm boy hesitates about going to college because he cannot go for four years and thinks that if he attends for a shorter time he will get only a fragmentary course.

This is all a mistake. Agricultural colleges now offer thoroughly well-rounded two-year courses in practical agriculture and some offer excellent one-year courses. These two-year and one-year courses have been worked out for the especial help of the boy who expects to farm without engaging in public agricultural work and who lacks time, money, or sufficient educational preparation to enable him to take the full four-year agricultural course.

Boys who can do so are of course urged to take the longer courses, but there are 10,000 bright, ambitious Carolina and Virginia farm boys who can’t go to college four years, but could take the two-year course at North Carolina State College or Virginia Polytechnic Institute or the one-year course at Clemson College.

Boys, your whole lives will be richer, happier, more successful, and most zestful if you will do this thing. Moreover, the entrance requirements for these one- and two-year courses are easy. Why not write these colleges and find out about these short courses right away?

There is still time for you to get ready and enter next month.

From the editorial page of the August 5, 1922 issue of The Progressive Farmer magazine, Clarence Poe, president and editor.

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