Thursday, August 11, 2022

W.F. Southerland, Alton Reynolds, Will David Hines Charged with Kidnapping, Prostitution and Assault of 16-Year-Old, Aug. 12, 1922

Hold Three Clinton Men on Kidnapping Charges. . . W.F. Southerland, Alton Reynolds and Will David Hines Alleged to Have Abducted Aline Taylor, 16-Year-Old White Girl From Warsaw; Under Bond of $1,000 Each

Warsaw, Aug. 11—Three prominent young white men of Clinton, one a married man, were held under bond of $1,000 each yesterday morning by Justice of the Peace W.R. Blackmore on a triple charge of kidnapping, prostitution and assault. The complaining wit ness was Aline Taylor, a 16-year-old white girl of this place.

The defendants are W.F. Southerland, Alton Reynolds and Will David Hines. Southerland is a married man about 27 or 28 years of age, while Reynolds and Hines are men in the early 20s.

Arrest of the three men was made about 2:30 yesterday morning when the father of the young girl appealed to deputy sheriff J.H King to help him locate his daughter. According to the story she tells, the young men came to her house about 8:30 and carried her away in an automobile. After they had been out several hours, the men brought her back home and she was found, in the company with the men, a short distance away.

The details of the alleged abduction are unprintable and the case has excited interest chiefly because of the prominence of the men involved. When they were located with the girl, they were placed under arrest and given a hearing by Justice Blackmore before day break. Examination was waived and they were held for the next term of Duplin criminal court, which meets in Kenansville in November.

From the front page of The Goldsboro News, Saturday morning, Aug. 12, 1922

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