Monday, July 10, 2023

C.B. Blanton, 69, Isaac Turner, J.T. Thackerson, Mrs. S.A. McMahan, 74, Have Died, July 10, 1923

Mr. C.B. Blanton Buried at Sharon. . . Well Known Farmers of the Sharon Section Died Saturday Morning. Funeral Sunday

Mr. C.P. Blanton, aged 69 years, died at his home near Sharon at 6 o’clock Saturday morning. Death followed an illness of several weeks duration. Mr. Blanton was one of the county’s most successful farmers, a devoted Christian and a man who possessed multitudes of friends. He was a brother of Mr. J.M. Blanton, who lives near Shelby.

Surviving in addition to his brothers are five daughters, Mrs. M.M. Justice, Mrs. Oma Green, Mrs. Ida Blanton, Mrs. Charles Williams, Miss Vela Blanton, and one son, Mr. Clift Blanton.

The funeral was held at Sharon church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock, Rev. A. Wilson conducting the services. A large number of friends and relatives were present to pay the last sad rights. Interment was made in the church cemetery and the grave covered with a myriad of beautiful flowers.

From the front page of The Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Tuesday, July 10, 1923


Mrs. Isaac Turner Dies in Greenville, S.C.

Friends will be interested in the following from Greenville, S.C., Daily Piedmont. Mr. Turner is a native of Cleveland county and a brother of J.A. Turner of this place.

Mrs. Maggie Bates turner, wife of Mr. Isaac Turner, died at an early hour Thursday morning at the hospital after several years of declining health. For the past three months Mrs. Turner had been seriously ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner have recently moved to Greenville after having spent the past several years in Florida and the mountains of North Carolina. They had just completed a home on the Camp road.

Mr. Turner and one son, Benjamin Turner of this city, three brothers, Dr. Charles O., Walter L. and F.C. Bates, and one sister, Mrs. S.M. Mitchell survive.

Funeral services for Mrs. Turner will be held at the home on the Camp road Friday afternoon at 5 o’clock. The Rev. George W. Quick will officiate and the interment will be in Springwood cemetery. The following gentlemen will be the active pallbearers: Messrs. B.S. Allen, G.R. Busbee, A.B. Thompson, L.L. Barr, John W. Parker, J.H. Armstrong, B.O. Thomasson, Theodore Stone and Moisson.

From the front page of The Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Tuesday, July 10, 1923


J.T. Thackerson Is a Victim of Cancer

Double Shoals, July 7—Mr. J.T. Thackerson died at his home in Double Shoals June 22 after an illness of several months, cancer of the stomach being the cause of his death. Mr. Thackerson received every possible attention and a short time before was taken to the Rutherford hospital for treatment. When he returned home, his condition seemed to be improved, but after a few days he grew steadily worse.

He is survived by his wife and eight children, all of whom, with the exception of Mr. L.A. Thackerson of Piney Point, Md., and Mrs. Will Peeler of Gastonia, live in Double Shoals.

Mr. Thackerson was one of the most highly esteemed citizens of Double Shoals, a devoted Christian, a kind father and devoted husband.

From page 6 of The Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Tuesday, July 10, 1923


Mrs. S.A. McMahan Died at Forest City Tuesday

Forest City Courier—Mrs. S.A. McMahan died at her home near the Seabord depot at 5:45 Tuesday morning. Her death was due to dropsy and infirmities incident to old age. She was in her 74th year and had been in declining heath for some time.

Mrs. McMahan was the widow of Rev. A.McMahan, who died in 1905. She was a consecrated Christian woman of many lovable traits and was widely known and greatly beloved.

She was a consistent member of the Baptist church, having her membership at Adaville.

Deceased is survived by the following children: Mrs. J.M. McFagan, Campbelle, S.C.; James L. McMahan, Ellaville, Ga.; Mrs. T.J. Withrow, Bostic, A.T. McMahan of Sulphur Springs and V.F. McMahan of Forest City.

Funeral services were conducted by Rev. D.J. Hunt followed by burial in Mt. Pleasant cemetery at 5 o’clock p.m., Tuesday afternoon.

From page 6 of The Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Tuesday, July 10, 1923

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