Friday, August 16, 2024

Camilla McMullan Edwards Has Died, Aug. 16, 1924

Funeral for Mrs. Edwards

Hertford, Aug. 16—Funeral services of Mrs. J.R. Edwards of this city, who died Thursday at Guilford County Sanatorium, where held at the Episcopal Church here Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock.

Dr. R.B. Drane of Edenton conducted the services in the absence of the rector, Rev. Mr. Jillson, who is in Tennessee on his vacation.

Mrs. Edwards is survived by a three month’s old daughter, Pattie Rawlings Edwards; by her husband, J.R. Edwards, who is private secretary to Congressman H.S. Ward; by her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney M. McMullan of Edenton; her grandmother, Mrs. J.M. Whedbee of this place, and an uncle, Charles Whedbee, also of Hertford, as well as a number of distant relatives at Hertford, Edenton and Elizabeth City.

Before her marriage Mrs. Edwards was Miss Camilla McMullan of Edenton. She was a graduate of St. Mary’s College and was well known and liked by friends at Elizabeth City, Hertford and Edenton.

From the front page of the Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., Saturday evening, Aug. 16, 1924

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