Thursday, August 15, 2024

Home Demonstration Club Calendar, Aug. 15, 1924

Home Demonstration Calendar

August 18, Vass Girls Club, sewing, 3 p.m.

August 19, Cameron Women, preserves and jelly, 3 p.m.

August 20, High Falls Women, preserves and jelly, 3 p.m.

August 22, Lakeview Girls Club, jelly, 3 p.m.

August 23, Carthage office.

If any woman or girl in the community where I am demonstrating is interested, please come and join us. We will be glad to have you. If I have not been to your neighborhood and you want me, all you have to do is to write and I will come.

Rose Ellwood Bryan, Home Demonstration Agent

The page 8 of the Pilot, Friday, Aug. 15, 1924

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