Monday, August 19, 2024

Louisburg Graded Schools Opening Sept. 2, 1924, Says Supt. Mills

Graded School to Open September 2nd

Supt. W.R. Mills writes of the opening of Louisburg Graded School as follows:

The fall term of Louisburg Public Schools will open on Tuesday, September 2. It is very essential that all children be in school the first day and get an even start with the other children. Beginning children must be in school by the end of the first month or they will be required to remain out of school till the beginning of the second semester.

Pupils who last year for one cause or another failed of promotion, will be given an opportunity the week before school opens to make examinations and try to move such conditions. We are compelled to maintain some sort of standard of work; pupils who cannot do the work and fail are not ready; pupils who from sheer idleness fail, should not be promoted. School going is a business and we want to manage it in a business like way. The Superintendent and one or more teachers will be at the school building Thursday, Friday, and Saturday before the opening and will be glad to give examinations to such as feel that they can pass. Unless failures are removed, your child cannot go on with the next higher call.

Text books will be on sale at the school on the above dates. These will be sold strictly for cash. Get your book list, look over what books you have at home; buy such as you need and let your child get full benefit of each day in school.

Pupils from outside Louisburg District who wish to enter our school will be gladly received. We suggest that all such come in a day or so before the opening and make such arrangements as may be necessary.

Louisburg schools now offer to the children the best opportunity ever offered in Louisburg. We ask for the cooperation and support of the patrons and all believers in education.

From the front page of the Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., Friday, August 22, 1924

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