Sunday, August 18, 2024

Puretest Rubbing Alcohol, Weldon Drug Co., Aug. 18, 1924

Why do we call them X-Rays?

Because when Roentgen discovered these rays, he did not understand what they were. Therefore, he called them “X” which in science means the unknown.

the great demand for Puretest Rubbing Alcohol is easily understood by anyone who has used it on sluggish skin or tired, aching muscles.

Puretest Rubbing Alcohol belongs in every athlete’s locker, every nursery and sick room, every list of toilet requirements for men and women.

What skill and conscience can produce.

Weldon Drug Co., the Rexall Drug Store, Weldon, N.C.

From the front page of the Roanoke News, “A Newspaper for the People,” published in Weldon, N.C., Monday, August 18, 1924

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