Saturday, December 7, 2024

Coroner Says Skeleton in Well Is Bruce Snipes, Dec. 8, 1924

Coroner Investigates Skeleton in Old Well. . . Evidence Points to Killing and Concealing of Body of Bruce Snipes

Winston-Salem, Dec. 5—The coroner and a jury are still investigating the mysterious case in connection with the finding of a human skeleton in an old abandoned well on a farm a few miles south of the city. The jury was in session two hours or more this morning, during which several witnesses were examined.

The investigation was held behind closed doors, though it is understood that sufficient evidence has been revealed to convince the officers that the skeleton was that of Bruce Snipes, who disappeared four years ago. A lock and chain were found in the well Thursday, and these are believed to have been the property of Snipes.

The coroner and his jury will meet again Saturday morning to continue their investigation.

From page 2 of the Concord Times, Dec. 8, 1924.

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