Saturday, December 7, 2024

R.E. Johnson, Charged with Immoral Behavior With Adult Daughter, Out on Bail, Dec. 8, 1924

Johnson Is Held to the High Court. . . Gastonia Business Man Accused of Grave Misconduct Toward His Two Grown Daughters

Gastonia, Dec. 6—R.E. Johnson, prominent merchant of this city, who was arrested late Friday night on grave charges of immorality preferred by his daughter, Mrs. Ralph Jordan of Spartanburg, S.C., and who was forced to spend the night in jail, was released this morning at a preliminary hearing before Judge Capps under a $10,000 bond signed by G.W. Howell and others. Johnson was bound over to the January term of the superior court. He waived examination.

Johnson is alleged to have been guilty of misconduct with one of his daughters, Mrs. Jordan, who gave the information on which the warrant for his arrest was issued.

It is alleged that Mrs. Johnson before her death Wednesday at Boone requested her daughters furnish the authorities with this information. Johnson is an elder in the A.R.P. church, and the family has been prominent socially in Gastonia for years.

A number of leading citizens signed Johnson’s bond.

From the front page of the Concord Times, Dec. 8, 1924.

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