Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Flu Takes A.A. Williford, 73, March 26, 1925

A.A. Williford

After a brief illness Mr. A.A. Williford died at his home in Raeford last Thursday at 1 o’clock. For several years he had heart trouble, and an attack of influenza proved fatal, as above stated.

Mr. Williford was born in Flea Hill township, Cumberland county, 73 years ago He came over into this section of Cumberland when quite a young man, and identified himself with the interests of this section. He was very industrious, honest and capable, and succeeded in business and made friends of all his acquaintances. He was a man of tireless energy and leaves a large estate.

He was thrice married, first to Miss Margaret McRae of this immediate section. She died within a year. He next married Miss Laura Currie, who died in 1906. In 1914 he was married to Miss Julia McEachern of Red Springs, who survives him.

Mr. Williford was a good neighbor. He was unusually kind-hearted. He liked to help the needy. It is said that some times that he would flatly refuse, even vehemently refuse aid to one seeking help—tell him sorriness was the trouble with him, and as the fellow would turn away, he would recall him and give him the needed help. A neighbor tells of a time when Mr. Williford came to his house, pistol in hand, following a dog. He asked the neighbor: Is that your dog? He has been eating my chickens. The neighbor said, I do not think so, but if it is, you kill him. He followed that dog around a block, ready to shoot him, and then called him to him, petted him and fed him good—said the poor thing was hungry, that was why he was eating chickens. He was very sympathetic. Pity for a hungry dog overcame his sense of justice often. He always hear the cry of the needy. He was liberal in his beneficence. No one did more for the Near East Relief, and kindred appeals than he.

He was loyal to his church and for years he was a Deacon in Raeford Presbyterian church, and a member of the board of trustees. He was a charter member of that church.

The funeral was conducted from the Presbyterian church Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock by his pastor, Rev. Watson M. Fairley, D.D., assisted by Rev. F.T. Collins, pastor of the Baptist church. A very large concourse of sorrowing friends attended to show their appreciation of a useful life just ended, among the number a large crowd of colored people, to whom he had often proven very helpful, and always kind.

The interment was made in Raeford cemetery, and the grave was converted into a mound of beautiful flowers, placed there by the hands of those who love his memory.

From the front page of the Hoke County Journal, Raeford, N.C., Thursday, March 26, 1925


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