Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Give Credit to the New Mothers, She Tells Editor, March 26, 1925

Chapel Hill Chaff

A newspaper editor in a small town receives all sorts of advice. Lots of it is good for him, too. One of my errors that is sometimes pointed out to me is that, when a child is born into a family, I have a tendency, in reporting the event, to give too large a share of credit to the father. When I met a friend of mine on the street the other day she said: “You are always printing that Bill So-and-So, or George Somebody, had a baby, as if the mother figured in the ownership very slightly. It seems to me that if you are going to discriminate at all, the mother ought to have the bigger share of the glory.”

I suppose the reason editors give the more credit to the person who deserves the less is due to the fact that just after the child is born, the father begins to swagger up and down the main street, attracting attention and congratulations, while the mother is not in evidence.

From the front page of the Chapel Hill Weekly, Thursday, March 26, 1925, Louis Graves, editor.


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