Sunday, March 23, 2025

News From St. Peters Community, March 24, 1925

St. Peters Community News of Late Interest

March 17—The farmers are in splendid shape for early work. More plowing is done than usual and farmers are making great preparations for planting with ideal weather prevailing for the last six weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Propst and family and Misses Charlotte and Vashti Peeler visited Mr. Propst’s mother at Casar Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Hicks made a business trip to Shelby Tuesday.

Mr. John A. Garver went to Lincolnton hospital to undergo a serious operation.

Miss Ora Sain from Morganton visited home folks Sunday and Monday.

Miss Lucy Hicks visited Miss Charlotte Peeler Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. F.D. Willis were Shelby visitors Saturday.

Mrs. Rebecca Kennedy visited her daughter, Mrs. Stell Willis Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. John Boyles visited Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Peeler Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. McClure Hicks and children spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dobbins Hicks.

From page 2 of The Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Tuesday, March 24, 1925

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