Sunday, March 23, 2025

Respect for L.A. Blanton, March 24, 1925

Resolutions of Respect

Whereas, in the death of our brother, L.A. Blanton, the Shelby Lodge No. 249, Knights of Pythias, has lost one of its most loyal members, and the community one of its most worthy builders:

Therefore, be it Resolved by the Shelby Lodge No. 249, Knights of Pythias:

1. That there be placed upon our records this expression of the love and esteem for our first departed charter member, and of the gratitude which the Lodge and the community feel for his untiring, skillful and successful efforts in developing our town and county.

2. That a copy of this be sent to the widow of the deceased, with assurance of our sympathy and of the high esteem in which the deceased was held by our Lodge.

3. That a copy be sent to the Cleveland Star for publication.

Max Washburn, B.O. Hamrick, Vernon Proctor, P. Patton, Mike Austell, Committee

From page 3 of The Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Tuesday, March 24, 1925

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