Monday, March 24, 2025

Society Notes in the Roxboro Courier, March 25, 1925


Little Miss Ernestine Wilkerson celebrated her ninth birthday Saturday afternoon from 3 to 5 o’clock at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Wilkerson, South Roxboro. A number of her school mates were present. Refreshments were served in the dining room which was decorated in a color scheme of pink and white. The large birthday cake was adorned with nine candles. Those present included Elnora Raiff, Nancy Bullock, Ann Watkins, Christobel Gates, Elizabeth Pulliam, Margie Stanfield, Pattie Daniel, Lissette Allgood, Nora O’Briant, Ida Winstead, Edward Hamlin and James Garrett.


Mrs. Ed Hill entertained The Bridge Club Wednesday afternoon and also in honor of her house guests Mrs. Becker and Miss Susie Ann Becker of Newark, N.J. The guests were welcomed by the hostess and shown to the living room where three tables were placed for bridge. Many beautiful flowers were arranged in bowls and baskets. The hostess assisted by Mesdames W.R. Woody and B.V. Boatwright served a delicious ice course with coffee. Attractive baskets filled with green and white candy carrying out the St. Patrick ideas were given as favors.


The Review Club met with Mrs. H.L. Crowell on Thursday afternoon and Mesdames A.R. Warren and T.B. Wood led the discussions for the afternoon. The first paper presented was “Francis Scott Key,” and the second on “Alexander B. Meak and Edward Coote Pinkey.”

After the lesson hour the hostess served a delightful course of refreshments carrying out the Shamrock idea in them and presented each one a tiny green basket filled with white mints.


Mrs. J.H. Pass was hostess to the Mesdames R.H. Gates, J.A. Beam and B.G. Clayton presented papers at the Study Club on Thursday afternoon relative to the general subject which was “Spirit of Humanity.” Several visitors in addition to the regular members were present and a salad course with accessories was served.

From the front page of the Roxboro Courier, March 25, 1925

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