Saturday, March 22, 2025

George Midgett, Henry Price, Dolly Brothers, Bertie Banks in Police Court, March 23, 1925

White Man Jailed for Non Support

An aggravated case of abandonment and non support occupied most of the three hour and a half session of police court Monday morning.

The defendant was George A. Midgett, 35 years old white man, and he was given a sentence of six months in jail, sentence to be suspended on execution of a $500 bond to appear before the court and show good behavior and to pay is wife $60 a month. She has five children.

Midgett had not been able to arrange bond when his newspaper went to press.

--Henry Price, colored boy, for passing a pedestrian on the sidewalk without dismounting, paid a fine of $1 and costs.

“I used to think,” said Prosecuting Attorney LeRoy, “that this was a trivial offense; but so many complaints have come to me of bundle boys who crowd pedestrians off the sidewalk that I am convinced that the ordinance is a necessary one and all cased of its violation that come to my attention will be prosecuted.”

--Dolly Brothers and Bertie Banks, colored, for the use of indecent language on their premises in such loud tones that it could be heard for half a bloc, were each fined $5 and costs.

From the front page of The Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., Monday Evening, March 23, 1925

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