Friday, March 21, 2025

George Mansfield, Shot by Constable Maddry, Dies in Raleigh Hospital, March 22, 1925

Negro, Shot by Constable Maddry, Dies in Raleigh Hospital; Death Is Climax to Fight Between Officers and Blacks

The climax to the fight between Constable A.M. Maddry and Officer W.L. Seabock and several negroes in the Hayti section three weeks ago last night, came Friday afternoon late, when George Mansfield alias Lonnie Jenkins, negro, shot in the abdomen three times by Constable Maddry, died in a Raleigh hospital.

After assisting several other negroes in beating Officer Seabock about the head with a flashlight, Mansfield attempted to strike Mr. Maddry with a board, after the latter had chased him several yards and hemmed him up between a house and fence. Seeing that the negro was going to attack him, Mr. Maddry ?? his gun, and fired three shots, all of which took effect in the negro’s abdomen.

After the negro fell, Mr. Maddry went to get the board which had been hurled at him. However, when he returned to where the negro had dropped, the man was gone. Mansfield was later located in a Raleigh hospital. The negro refused to divulge the name of the person who carried him to the hospital, but stated that he was intending to go to a Wilson hospital, but had to stop at Raleigh due to his condition.

From the front page of The Durham Sun, Sunday morning, March 22, 1925


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