Friday, March 21, 2025

Two May Die As Result of Wreck, D.W. Lockey Arrested, March 22, 1925

Two Men May Die As Result of Wreck on Hill Highway. . . E.S. Johnson of Goldsboro and D.V. Gray of New Bern Seriously Injured When Taxi and Ford Crash. . . Drive of Ford Is Held Without Bond at Hill. . . Eight Others Slightly Hurt When Both Cars Leave Boulevard Near County Line Saturday

E.S. Johnson of Goldsboro and D.V. Gray of New Bern are suffering fractured skulls in addition to other injuries and may die, and J.E. Horne and Lee D. Wright of Carrboro are in Watts hospital here with slight injuries following a crash as a Durham-Chapel Hill taxi side-swiped a Ford driven by D.W. Lockey, 30, of Wilmington on the Chapel Hill highway near the Durham-Orange county line at 3 o’clock Saturday afternoon. Lockey, who is employed at the university, is being held without bond by Chapel Hill police pending outcome of an investigation into the wreck.

Johnson, who is an electrician at the University of North Carolina, is suffering from a fractured skull and at a late hour last night had not regained consciousness, it was stated at the hospital. Johnson has only a slight chance of recovery, it was stated. A brother of the injured man arrived in the city at 8 o’clock to remain at the bedside of his brother.

Gray, who is a student at Carolina, is suffering from concussion of the brain. Whether the young man has other injuries had not been ascertained last evening. Johnson and Gray are believed to be most seriously injured, it was said.

Horne, the driver of the coach, is suffering from slight injuries about the head and shoulders. His condition is not believed to be serious. Lee D. Wright, who is a carpenter at the University, was also only slightly injured, as far as could be determined, it was stated. His injuries consisted of cuts and bruises. Eight others, including Lockey, were slightly hurt.

According to reports of the accident, the taxi was attempting to pass the Ford, driven by Lockey and occupied by A.J. Stokes and I.P. Yopp, also of Wilmington, when the accident occurred. The two machines sideswiped, embraced, and then divided, the taxi going to the left hand side of the road, and turning over, pinning the occupants beneath, while the Ford went to the right hand side of the road, and turned on its side. The occupants of the Ford received slight injuries.

Reports received here were to the effect that the Ford had started to turn from the highway into a cross road, when the taxi attempted to pass. The taxi is said to have skidded 80 feet before turning over.

Lockey, driver of the Ford, was taken into custody shortly after the accident by officials of Orange county. He is charged with assault and battery with a deadly weapon, to wit: an automobile.

The four injured men were picked up by passing cars and rushed to Watts hospital here for medical attention. The five other occupants of the bus were said to have received slight cuts and bruises in the accident. However, their injuries were not serious enough to cause them to apply to the hospital for medical attention.

From the front page of The Durham Sun, Sunday morning, March 22, 1925


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