Friday, November 2, 2018

Flu Takes Four More Beloved Residents; Soup Kitchen Closes, 1918

Deaths listed in The Enterprise, Williamston, Martin County, N.C., November 1, 1918

Roger H. Burriss

Roger H. Burris, son of Capt. Alfred Burris and wife, Elizabeth Burris, was born November 17th, 1888, in the beautiful town of Southport, N.C. He was an industrious and dependable boy and at an early age began working in the office of the Southport News, where he learned the printing business. He married Miss Gladys Greer of Whiteville, N.C., two years ago, since which time he has worked at the printing business at Raleigh and Selma until August 23rd, when he accepted the foremanship of the Enterprise, where he rendered very acceptable service until taken with the influenza on the 10th of this month, which developed into pneumonia a week later, from which he died Sunday morning, after all that physicians, nurses and loving hands could do to save him had failed.

The body was taken to Whiteville on the early train Sunday morning by his wife and six-months-old baby, accompanied by Mrs. Burriss’ father, Senator Jackson Greer of Columbus county, where he was buried, funeral services being conducted by the pastor of the Methodist church of which he had long been a member.

The Enterprise truly feels his death a blow, not as much from a business standpoint, although he was one of the most valuable men ever in charge of the office, but more from the ?? that a good man has been taken from the community, from a young grieving wife and an orphan baby who will never know of the protecting arm of a father. If we could contemplate the sadness of standing by the bedside of our friends and fellow men and seeing them struggling and gasping against such a fearful malady as influenza and pneumonia, we might take greater preparations against the spread of this disease.

We most tenderly sympathize with the bereft wife and little son, aged mother and other relatives.

Spencer Leggett

Mr. Spencer Leggett, of the Bear Grass section, died at his home Saturday morning of pneumonia following Influenza. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Leggett of near Macedonia church and married Miss Rebecca Leggett nine years ago. Mr. Leggett was only 30 years old and leaves a mother, father, wife and three little children to grieve for him, also four brothers and six sisters.
He was a member of the Christian church and was a man honored and loved by neighbors and friends and not only his family mourn his loss, but the whole community in which he lived.

Mrs. Harper M. Peel

Mrs. Harper M. Peel, 25 years of age, died at her home in Hamilton, October 18th with pneumonia following influenza. Her death fills the entire community with grief and sadness. Mrs. Peele was Miss Effie Forbuck (?) before her marriage, the daughter of the late Rodney (?) and Linda Roebuck. She is survived by her husband and three small children, also the following sisters and brothers: Job Roebuck in France, Dennis and Robert of Hamilton, Mrs. Jim White of Martin county, Carrie Dell, Martha and Alma Maree, who made their home with Mrs. Peele since their mother’s death.
She was a woman of ?? disposition and fine character and had many friends who will miss her. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J.L. Rogers.

We loved her, yes we loved her,
But the Angels loved her more
And they have sweetly called her
To yonder shining shore.

The pearly gates were opened
A sweet voice uttered “Come”
And with farewells unspoken
She calmly entered Home.

Joe Mart Melson

Joe Mart Melson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Melson of Williamston, died at Charlottesville, Va., Tuesday, October 28, of pneumonia following influenza. He went to the University of Virginia to take government training in mechanical engineering two weeks ago, being taken ill upon arriving there.

His mother and Mr. J.W. Johnson went to see him on Monday. Mrs. Melson and Mr. Johnson came home Tuesday, and the government sent the remains Wednesday. Rev. H.M. Eure conducted the burial service and amid beautiful floral tributes the body was laid to rest in the Baptist cemetery. Joe Mart was a boy of fine character and was a most dutiful son. He leaves many friends to grieve him with his sorrowing parents. Jesse Melson, his older brother, is in France.

Soup Kitchen Closed

The Red Cross soup kitchen that has been in operation since the influenza epidemic has suspended work upon the advice of the health officer, there being now so few cases. It is to be understood though that if anyone is suffering for lack of attention, the Red Cross is to be notified and assistance will be rendered.
--Mrs. C.H. Godwin, Chm.

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