Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Gentry Home Total Loss; Promised to Mrs Carrie Reynolds, Aug. 8, 1922

Rural Home Was Destroyed by Fire. . . G.C. Gentry Suffered Heavy Loss; Had Sold Building to Mrs. Carrie Reynolds

Fire completely destroyed the home of Grover Gentry on the Kernersville road, a short distance outside of the city limits Friday morning about 4 o’clock.

The house was not occupied, as Mr. Gentry was preparing to move and had all of his furniture packed up, ready to move out this morning. The fire department did not arrive upon the scene until the house was practically destroyed, and then all it could do was stand by and protect the other buildings in the neighborhood. Owing to the early hour, and the fact that the building was unoccupied, the fire got a good start before the alarm was turned in. Fire Company No. 2 answered the call.

Mr. Gentry said this morning that he had just sold the house to Mrs. Carrie Reynolds, and that the insurance had run out on both house and furniture, so that both will be a total loss. It is estimated that the property was worth about $4,000.

From The Western Sentinel, Winston-Salem, N.C., August 8, 1922

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