Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Thief Steals City Court Bible, Aug. 1, 1922

Thieves Get Away With Kinston Police Bible

Kinston, July 28—The police here today had no clue to the identity of the defendant or witness in the city court who pocketed one of the court’s three Bibles and skillfully got away with it. The Bible was of comparatively little value, since they don’t use leatherbound editions in the police court. How it was stolen from beneath the very noses of court attendants was a mystery.

George A. Everington, chief of police, and Judge Guy Elliott indicated that there would be no prosecution in the event the thief was identified, but rather encouragement to make good use of it. Everington, a religious sort of official, even stood ready to delineate certain passages in the Bible intended to keep notions of illegal possession of public property out of one’s head.

From The Western Sentinel, Winston-Salem, August 1, 1922

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