Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Arthur Jeter Killed by Jim Jackson, Aug. 14, 1924

Negro Killed

A family fracas involving a butcher knife, a hickory club, an axe and empty pop bottles wound up in an undertaking establishment, when Arthur Jeter attacked his dusky spouse Jessie May, Monday night at the Green River Camp of the Blue Ridge Power Company.

Jealous of a strange negress, Jessie May accused her husband of infidelity and in the ensuing wrangle became the recipient of various missile fired at her by her savage paramour.

Seeking refuge in the home of her sister-in-law, Jessie was followed by Arthur who sought to finish the sanguary combat within four walls. Jim Jackson resented the invasion of his peaceful hearthstone and when Jeter failed to heed his warnings and continued the propulsion of various projectiles through windows and door, Jim cracked down with a thirty-eight and when the smoke cleared away Coroner Smith had a job on his hands.

Tuesday morning at the Coroner’s inquest a jury of six good men and true, after hearting all the evidence in the case resolved “that the deceased met his death as a result of pistol wounds inflicted by Jim Jackson in defense of himself and family and that he be released on his own recognizance pending the action of the Polk county grand jury.

From page 10 of the Polk County News, Aug. 14, 1924

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