Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Corwith's Overbrook Orchard to be Sold, Aug. 14, 1924

Overbrook Orchard to be Sold at Public Auction. . . Henry P. Corwith, Saluda Apple Grower, to Sell Orchard Which Has Added High Honors to Blue Ridge Fruit Belt at Big Shows. . . “I Want to Rest,” Says Popular and Prosperous Owner

Overbrook Orchard, owned and operated by Henry P. Corwith of Saluda, will be sold at public auction Wednesday, August 20th.

This beautiful property located on top of Saluda Mountain at an altitude of 2,500 feet has an expansive view of Mount Tryon, Hog Back, Sugar Loaf and Mount Pisgah.

Overbrook is considered one of the best orchards in the United States, with a record of never having a crop failure and producing fine fruit which taken prizes at the largest agricultural shows in this country.

It was laid out and planted by Dr. J.C. Bushnell, who spent a great deal of time selecting the site, choosing the varieties, which are principally Stark’s Delicious, Grimes Golden, Staymen Winesap, Roam Beauty together with 20 other varieties of apples and some peaches and plum.

Ten years ago the present owner, Henry P. Corwith, bought the orchard and did everything possible to improve it, until today with 1,500 trees, 1,400 of which are in full bearing, the orchard is loaded with apples of the best quality ever produced in this section.

Not being a young man, Mr. Corwith, although strong and in the best of health, desires to cut down his cares, and consequently offers this fine property for sale to the highest bidder.

This fine orchard in its prime should do more for the new owner, if rightly cared for, than it has already done for Mr. Corwith. If desired, Mr. Corwith will agree to remain and show any purchaser how to care for the place for a limited time.

Its location appeals to anyone, t being situated only one mile from the railroad and Saluda. As Saluda grows, this property will become most desirable for residential sites, and realizing this Mr. Corwith is offering in addition to the orchard 32 good building lots with some orchards attached.

The entire orchard, including the Corwith home of 12 rooms with all modern conveniences, and Overbrook Cottage with 6 rooms and bath will be sold.

The fine crop, consisting largely of Starks’s Delicious apples, estimated at from 10,000 to 15,000 bushels, will be sold to the highest bidder.

On the lots, the terms will be one quarter down with very easy terms on the balance, while the orchard and homes will be sold for one half cash and the balance on easy terms.

The sale of the Mountain House property on August 4th was a clear demonstration of what Saluda real estate is worth, some of it having been sold for twice as much as it was worth a short time ago and half of what it is worth today. This same increase in values will apply to all good property in Western North Carolina, for this country is forging to the front and it has attracted attention all over the United States.

From page 6 of the Polk County News, Aug. 14, 1924. The article and an ad for the auction with photographs are on

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