Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Gordon Gibbs, Dorothy Corwith Win Farm Club Story Contest, Aug. 21, 1924

Gordon Gibbs Prize Winner in Farm Club Story Contest. . . Mill Spring Youth Wins First Price—Dorothy Corwith of Saluda, a Close Second. Nine Others Get Honorable Mention

The boys and girls of Polk County who made the Farm Club trip are an enthusiastic bunch, and their descriptive stories of the excursion are so good that the judges have had a hard time making a decision regarding their relative merits but finally awarded first prize to Gordon Gibbs of Mill Spring and Second prize to Dorothy Corwith of Saluda. Prize stories with pictures of the winners will be run in the Polk County News.

The following Polk County girls and boys deserve honorable mention as their stories were all exceptionally well written.

Gordon Gibbs, Mill Springs, First Prize.

Dorothy Corwith, Saluda, N.C., Second Prize.

Ruby Giles, Green’s Creek.

Fae Gibbs, Mill Springs.

Cleo Jeanette Watson, Melvin Hill.

Ruby Tallant, Columbus.

Thelma L. Hague, Fox Mountain.

Eunice Cloud, Columbus.

Grace Waldrop, Mill Spring.

Evelyn Cole, Melvin Hill.

Bryon Lancaster, Green’s Creek.

Gordon Gibbs will receive $3 in cash, a year’s subscription to the Polk County News and the Southern Planter.

Miss Dorothy Corwith will receive $2 in cash, a year’s subscription to the Polk County News and the Southern Planter.

The others receiving honorable mention will be given the Southern Planter for one year.

From the front page of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., Thursday, August 21, 1924

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