Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Who Won Golf Match? Aug. 21, 1924

Who Won

The much advertised two ball foursome, in which Miss Yates, a Tryon visitor, and Mr. Waverly Hester, were matched with Miss Grady and Mr. Dean, was played off Tuesday afternoon before a large and enthusiastic invisible gallery.

Gallery reports say it was a closely fought match, but official reports of the final score seem to be very confusing.

Mr. Hester says they won, while Miss Grady says that she and her able partner got them one down on the eighteen. If golfers could play 18 holes, and not agree on the score, what’s the trouble?

We can’t get our hands on their score cards and the players seem to be very indignant when questioned. What would you suggest, a four-cornered duel, or an adding machine?

From the front page of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., Thursday, August 21, 1924

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