Monday, August 12, 2024

Miss Evelyn Harrison Entertains with Rook Party, Aug. 12, 1924

Miss Evelyn Harrison Entertains with Rook Party

This morning at her home on Haughton street, Miss Evelyn Harrison entertained at a rook party from 10:30 until 12 o’clock, complementing Misses Mary Hardy and Nannie Murrill of Richlands.

The front and back parlors were used for playing rook and they were made inviting by the use of masses of summer flowers.

A salad course was served by the young hostess.

Those playing were Misses Nannie and Mary Hardy Murrill, Ruth and Margaret Manning, Lucile Hassell, Margaret Joyner of Wilmington, Armeninta(?) Sawyer of Windsor, Martha and Esther Harrison, Carrie Lee Peel and Velma Harrison.

From the front page of The Williamston Enterprise, Martin County, Tuesday, Aug. 12, 1924

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