Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Young People Meet at Luther League Convention, Aug. 20, 1924

Lutheran Young People Meet at Concord

The Fourth Annual Convention of the Luther League of the United Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina will meet at St. James Lutheran Church in Concord Aug. 25, 16 and 27th.

The State League has a membership of about 2,000. There are 93 leagues that make up the state organization.

Convention theme, “Meet For the Master’s Use.” This convention promises to be one of the best yet held. Some of the principal speakers on the program are: Rev. C.M. Teufel, Chairman of the Intermediate Committee of the National League of America; Rev. Chas. F. Steck, Rev. A.G. Voight, D.D. of the Southern Seminary. Dr. Voight will conduct devotionals. Rev. S. White Rhyne and Miss Mary Propst will have charge of discussion on “Methods.”

The convention proper will open on Monday evening at 8 o’clock. Rev. Chas. F. Steck delivers the opening address, “God Calls Young Workers.” On Tuesday afternoon Rev. C.M. Teufel will bring the “Message from National Luther League of America.” Election of officers will take place on Wednesday morning. Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock a missionary pageant will be given on the high school campus by the St. John’s Luther League of Salisbury.

Several foreign missionaries will be in attendance at the convention and bring messages from the foreign field. There will also be several deaconesses in attendance.

The president of the State League is Mr. E.R. Lineberger; vice president C.K. Wise; secretary, Miss Nellie Dry; treasurer, Miss Bonnie Mauney.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Aug. 20, 1924


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