Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Rineharts Honored in Illinois, Aug. 20, 1924

Rowan People Honored While Visiting in Illinois

Salisbury Post

Mr. L.B. Rinehart and son, D.C. Rinehart of Rockwell, this county, who have been visiting in Illinois were recently honored by a big dinner given complimentary to them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tittsworth, six miles west of West Frankford, Illinois.

Mr. L.B. Rinehart is a son-in-law of Mr. J.E. Good of West Frankfort, and D.C. Rinehart had been there visiting him and other relatives and friends. Others of the family connection who motored from Rowan recently to visit these people were Mr. and Mrs. George Kluttz of Cabarrus, Mr. John Rinehart and children of Rockwell. The Messrs. Rinehart lived in Illinois many years ago and this was their first visit there in 23 years. There were 62 people at the dinner, which was a family reunion event. Mr. Good, father-in-law of L.B. Rinehardt, is 74 years old.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Aug. 20, 1924. Last name was spelled Rinehart throughout article until last sentence, when it was spelled Rinehardt.


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