Friday, February 21, 2025

80 Bales of Cotton Burn at Rail Station, Feb. 24, 1925

$8,000 Fire Loss. . . Over 80 Bales of Cotton on Platform at Station Burned Early Sunday Morning. . . Austin Is Heavy Loser

A little past midnight Saturday night the fire department was called out, a blaze having been discovered at the cotton platform near an A.C.L. siding at the station. Over 80 bales of cotton were on the platform, and though heroic work was done by the fire company, Mr. W.H. Austin had 72 bales burned and W.M. Sanders & Son four or five. Mr. Austin’s loss is about $8,200, partly covered by insurance. W.M. Sanders & Son had 14 or 15 bales on the platform, but all except four or five were saved from the flames. This firm had no insurance. Of the damaged cotton it is thought that perhaps a third may be rendered marketable. The platform was burned to a cinder, and as late as yesterday fire was smoldering in the cotton. It is not know how the fire originated.

From the front page of The Smithfield Herald, Tuesday morning, Feb. 24, 1925

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