Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Two Badin Children Being Treated for Rabies, Feb. 26, 1925

Mad Dog Epidemic Calls for Dog Quarantine

Alarm spread out from Badin Sunday, when two children seemed to have been bitten or scratched by a mad dog. The dog was owned by Mr. S.F. Gordon, and two of the neighbors’ children were feared to have been bitten by the dog.

Mr. Gordon killed the dog and took the head immediately to Raleigh, awaiting the examination, which revealed rabies. The children are undergoing treatment, and no alarm is felt for their condition.

As the Raleigh authorities stated that an epidemic of mad dogs was spreading over the state, prompt measures were taken by Dr. C.M. Lentz, acting county health officer, requiring all dogs to be kept penned during the epidemic. Those roaming at large will be captured and killed unless claimed within 24 hours.

From the front page of The Albemarle Press, February 26, 1925


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