The serious automobile accident which occurred last Saturday afternoon at the intersection of May street and Massachusetts avenue impresses upon the public mind very forcefully the need of a law that only licenses drivers should be allowed to drive motor cars. If the colored boy who was driving the laundry wagon had been a licensed driver, it is more than likely that the accident would not have happened. No person will deliberately violate a traffic ruling when he knows that by doing so he stands a chance of having his driver’s license revoked.
For some unaccountable reason, the14 amendments to our motor traffic laws submitted by the Carolina Motor Club to the Legislature failed to include a recommendation to establish a driver’s license for every person who wishes to drive a motor car. It is to be hoped that the legislature will enact this law and also establish a state police force to patrol our highways. It is the only way that reckless and careless driving can be checked.
In every state where there is a heavy volume of motor traffic this system has been carried out with satisfactory results. North Carolina will have to adopt this system to safeguard her highways.
The intersection of May street and Massachusetts avenue is the most dangerous street intersection in Southern Pines, and warning signs should be displayed on all four approaches to this intersection. It is only fair to strangers who happened to be in town to do this. Everything that can possibly be done to safeguard our highways should be looked after by the State legislature and our municipal authorities. We want Safety First, Last and All the Time.
From the editorial page of The Sandhill Citizen, Southern Pines, N.C., Friday, February 27, 1925. J.F. Morris, managing editor; Hiram Westbrook, city editor.
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