Thursday, February 20, 2025

Personals in the Concord Tribune, Feb. 23, 1925


Miss Frances Jarratt of Salem College spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Jarratt on West Depot street.

Carl Roberts and Dewey Berry spent Sunday in Hickory, there the former visited his sister, Miss Dorothy Roberts, at Lenoir-Rhyne College.

Mrs. W.D. Lowder has returned to her home in Charlotte after a week’s visit with her sister, Mrs. Zeb Thornburg.

Thomas Harris of Columbia, S.C., spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Harris.

Rev. J.A. Baird of Chester, S.C., is spending several days with his mother, Mrs. Annie Baird.

Mr. and Mrs. W.I. Little and Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Cook and daughter, Gene, spent Sunday in Durham with Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Teeter.

Sam Blackwelder of Charlotte spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Blackwelder.

Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Brown and son, Beverely, of Gastonia, are spending the day with Mrs. R.A. Brown.

Mr. and Mrs. O.L. Sappenfield and children, of Gastonia, spent Sunday with relatives.

Miss Sudie Mae Dry, student of Lenoir-Rhyne College, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. C.A. Dry.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Menzies of Hickory spent Sunday in the city with relatives and friends.

Miss Mabel Lippard of Salisbury spent the week-end with home folks.

Miss Katie Ford, student of Winthrope College, spent the week-end with her sister, Miss Margaret Ford.

Miss Stella Misenheimer spent Sunday in Winston-Salem with her mother, Mrs. Sara Misenheimer.

Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Craven, Mrs. J.M. Allen and Lois Craven of Raleigh, Miss Mary Craven and Miss Emily Weddington, students at North Carolina College for Women at Greensboro, spent Sunday and today here, coming to Concord to see Mr. and Mrs. K.L. Craven, who have been ill for some time.

W.L. Morris and daughter, Mrs. Jack Brown, returned Saturday from Greensboro, where they spent several days with their daughter and sister, respectively, Mrs. S.I. Parker.

Jimmie Caldwell of Albemarle spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.H. Caldwell.

Sheriff R.V. Caldwell, accompanied by Mrs. Caldwell and little daughter, spent the week-end in Laurinburg, where he visited his brother.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Robins spent Sunday in Salisbury with relatives.

Mrs. B.F. Rogers returned last night from Little Rock, Ark., where she had been spending several months with her son, Dr. F.O. Rogers. She was accompanied by her son, Dr. Rogers, on her return.

Mr. and Mrs. N.A. Archibald and family spent Sunday in Newton visiting relatives.

Dr. S.W. Rankin left yesterday for Philadelphia and New York, where he will stay several days on business.

Miss Agness Efird has returned to Queens College after spending the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. A.E. Harris, on South Union street.

Miss Margaret Williams and Miss Elizabeth Chase of Queens College, Charlotte, spent the week-end in Concord visiting their aunt, Mrs. Gales Pickard.

Tom Coltrane, John Cook, Nevin Sapperfield and Joe Foil of Davidson College were visitors at their respective homes during the week-end.

Miss Lucile Lippe of Albemarle is visiting her sister, Mrs. Reed Russell.

Mrs. G.B. Lewis has several visitors at her home on South Union street. Mr. Lewis’ father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. H.I. Lewis of West Point, Va., are visiting for some time. Mrs. Lewis’ sister, Mrs. Edward Conger of Elizabeth City, is also spending several days with her.

From page 5 of the Concord Daily Tribune, Feb. 23, 1925

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