Thursday, February 27, 2025

Winston Basketball Team Beats Concord, 54 to 29, Feb. 28, 1925

Winston Trounces Local Five. . . Frazier, Former Guilford Star, Is the Shining Light of the Game

Winston’s basketball team came to Concord last night and in a one-sided match completely crushed the local Y five, the final score being 54-29. The game was marked by swift passwork of the Winston team and the shooting ability of Frazier, former all-state forward for Guilford, who scored basket after basket in an uncanny fashion.

The Concord five was as badly off form as they have been during the entire season. They played like beginners. Time and again they missed easy shots for the basket. However, Winson’s victory was not due to the poor playing of the locals. They would probably have won if Concord had been in top form.

Frazier was high scorer for Winston with a total of 27 points. Dick was high scorer for Concord.

From page 2 of the Concord Daily Tribune, Feb. 28, 1925

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