Wednesday, March 19, 2025

$4 Million Fire in Palm Beach, March 18, 1925

$4,000,000 Fire in Palm Beach, Florida. . . Aged Couple Lose Lives in Hotel Blaze. . . The Breakers and Palm Beach, Two Noted Hostelries, Reduced to Pile of Ashes. . . City Was Threatened. . . Firemen, However, Got Fire Under Control Before It Became General

Palm Beach, March 18—Fire, which for a time threatened to wipe out an entire section of this famous winter pleasure resort, was brought under control after two big hotels, The Breakers and Palm Beach, had been reduced to piles of glowing ashes. Property damage was estimated in excess of $4 million.

Earlier in the night the fire threatened to extend to the Royal Poincianas, another great hotel nearby, and guests were ordered to leave as a precautionary move. Blazing embers from the fire were thrown across ?? Worth, to West Palm Beach and the entire north end of Palm Beach was considered in grave danger for a time.

Four Cottages Destroyed

Fire-fighting forces from Palm Beach, West Palm Beach and Lake Worth fought the flames.

Four cottages belonging to the burned Breakers hotel and lying immediately south of it, were burning at 7 o’clock tonight. One of these was occupied by Leonard Ahl and another by Charles F. Schoats Jr. of Boston.

A number of yachts laying along the north lake trail in the vicinity of the Palm Beach hotel also were burned.

A young girl was run over and killed in West Palm Beach by an automobile driven rapidly to the fire.

First reports of loss of life in the fire, which destroyed the famous Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach together with the Palm Beach Hotel was made by the authorities tonight. It was announced that an elderly man and woman whose identity is still unknown were burned to death. It is believed by the investigating officers that other names will be included in the death toll when the final accounting is made.

From the front page of The Goldsboro News, Thursday morning, March 19, 1925

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