Sunday, March 16, 2025

Car Overturns As Young Son Drives Siblings Home, March 17, 1925

Car Turns Over Near Smithfield

Thursday afternoon an accident which might have proved more disastrous than it did occurred between here and Wilson’s Mills, when the automobile belonging to Mr. Joe Parrish and driven by his young son turned over, spilling five children. The children had been to a neighbor’s on an errand and were returning to their home about 6 o’clock. Some way the wheels of the car became locked, and striking a sand bed, the car turned over. Fortunately only two of the occupants were hurt, and these two not seriously. The two injured with twins abut six years old, Benjamin and Byrum. One received a severe cut on the nose requiring eight or ten stitches, the other was cut above the eye. All five were children of Mr. and Mrs. Parrish.

A man plowing a field saw the accident and brought them to Smithfield for medical treatment.

From the front page of the Goldsboro Herald, Tuesday, March 17, 1925

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