Monday, March 3, 2025

Cleveland County Got Electric Lines to Farmers, March 3, 1925

Electricity for the Farms

In Cleveland county, North Carolina, where hydro-electric energy is available, each township of the county has organized a company and has built lines to convey electric current to the homes of the farmers. The farmers in most townships of that county are now using electricity to light their homes, run their ensilage cutters, feed grinders, wood saws, cream separators, sewing machines, etc.

In our rumination along this line we have often thought of what a man-made paradise Macon county could be with the assistance of electric current. An all-wise Creator has given us the greatest country of the globe in which to live. He has likewise endowed man with intelligence and reasoning power denied to lower animals. This intelligence and reasoning power were given to man that he might have dominion over the world and that he might subdue the animals and the physical forces of the earth to his comfort and contentment.

Man should be satisfied with nothing but the best. And we do not mean that he should go beyond his means to attain the best. Now the farmers of Macon have an opportunity to make their homes more enjoyable, to make their families more contended, to make their own labors and those of their families lighter.

The contract for Franklin’s power dam was let on March 27th. This dam will be completed by December 1, 1925. It is suggested that the farmers of Smith’s Bridge, Cartoogechaye, Cowee, Sugar Fork and other sections investigate the advisability of building power lines to their respective sections with a view to utilizing electricity in their homes and barns. It should not be a difficult matter to finance these lines on borrowed money to be repaid by receipts from the sale of current. The question of electricity in the homes of our farmers is at least worthy of serious consideration. It would eliminate to a considerable extent the danger of fires in the homes and barns.

From the editorial page of the Franklin Press, Macon County, N.C., March 3, 1925, S.A. Harris, editor. If the contract was let March 27, as it stated in the article, then the newspaper date—March 3--must be wrong.

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