Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Diamondback Rattler Already Out, March 5, 1925

Early Snake Gets Shot by Hunter

It seems that snakes as well as mockingbirds and flowers are aware that Spring is near at hand. It is not enough often that anyone reports killing a rattler in February and het that this does happen is vouched by Mr. W.D. Allen of Newport. Mr. Allen is a great hunter and while out with his bird dogs one day last week, they struck a trail and finally came to a point which proved to be instead of a covey of quail a big diamondback rattler Mr. Allen shot the creature and took its hide back to Newport, where it is on exhibition. The snake was an unusually large one, measuring eight feet in length and about 13 inches in circumference.

From the front page of The Beaufort News, March 5, 1925

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