Saturday, March 8, 2025

Escaped Convict Picked Up for Robbery, March 9, 1925

Escaped Convict Again in Toils of Law for Robbery. . . Andrew Hamer Admits Escaping from State Prison 2 Months Ago—W.R. Tyner’s Store in Lowe Robbed—Bailey Ford Caused Hamer and Floyd Braswell to Fail in Attempt to Get Away with Merchandise Valued at $200. . . Solicitor F.E. Carlyle Recognizes One Defendant

Andrew Hamer, negro, escaped convict from the state prison in Raleigh, was tried before Recorder P.S. Kornegay Saturday morning on a charge of store-breaking and bound over to Superior court.

It was in evidence that Hamer and Floyd Braswell, also colored, hired a Ford car from another negro who lives in Red Springs Thursday night, and after robbing Mr. W.R. Tyner’s store at Lowe of merchandize valued at about $200, started back to Red Springs. When near that town the Ford refused to run and the robbers were forced to remove their loot to the near-by woods, where they were found by officers Friday.

After hiding the goods, the negroes went to Red Springs, leaving the car in the road. Hamer went to Fayetteville to get some money, so he stated, to have the car fixed. It was while he was on the train near Shannon that officers arrested him. The officers had boarded the train at Shannon, believing that Hamer was on it on his way for the stolen goods.

Solicitor F. Ertel Carlyle asked if he had not been seen in the court house here before. The negro said that he was sentenced by Judge N.A. Sinclair during 1923 from Robeson Superior court to an indeterminate period of not less than 5 years and not more than 10. When asked about his escape he readily admitted that he escaped about 2 months ago.

Both negroes are being held in the county jail without privilege of bond. Willie Moore, owner of the Ford car, but who claims he knows nothing of the robbery, is also being held in jail on a charge of aiding and abetting instore-breaking.

From the front page of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Monday, March 9, 1925

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