Raleigh, March 19—Rubbing it into the folks yet again that they are not rich and that the income taxes show it, J.W. Bailey today told the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce that the state is one of the poorest on the western hemisphere and that it must devise some way of increasing its income if it ever gets out.
The Raleigh lawyer had the recent figures of the University New Letter before him. There are more than 500,000 families in the state, but only 8,000 of them have income taxpayers. He could not imagine how people estimate themselves rich with wealth so poorly distributed that only 8,000 families share in it. The total taxes of the state will be around $90 million, Mr. Bailey said, and the poor will have 30 per cent of their net incomes to devote to taxes.
Speaking informally and unofficially before the meeting, Dr. W.S. Rankin stated that he saw no reason why Wake County should not share in the Duke Memorial Hospital Fund to the extent of $1 per charity bed, allowed under Mr. Duke’s provision and possibility at the first an appropriation for construction. Thirty-two per cent of the $40,000 fund will be available for rural public hospitals, interest from which next year will amount to about $500,000. No funds will be available until next year.
From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, March 21, 1925
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