Germanton, March 16—Nannie Frances Burrow Falkenberry was born December 5, 1896, died March 2, 1925, making her stay on earth 28 years, two months, 27 days. She joined Mt. Tabor Baptist church at the age of 15 and was a faithful member until her death. She was married to Amos L. Falkenberry October 28, 1922, and lived happily and gained friends wherever she lived. She leaves a husband, father, sisters and two brothers and a circle of friends to mourn her loss, all of whom live in Randolph County, except Henry, who lives in Stokes county. We trust our loss is her eternal gain. May God’s blessings rest upon her dear husband and the family.
From page 5 of the Danbury Reporter, Wednesday, March 18, 1925
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