Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Among the Sick, The Alamance Gleaner, March 10, 1921

Among the Sick

Mrs. R.C. Hunter has been sick for a few days but is improving.

Mr. T.J. Reavis, recently at Rainey Hospital for an operation, has returned home and is very much better.

Mr. Boyd Holt is very sick from pneumonia.

Mrs. Henry M. Rogers is quite sick.

Mr. Hal Anglin was carried to Rainey Hospital a few days ago for an operation for appendicitis.

Miss Hannah Turner has been very sick for several days.

Mr. E.S. Tate of Pleasant Grove was here Monday attending a meeting of the County Board of Education, of which he is a member. He went to Hot Springs, Ark., where he spent six weeks being treated for rheumatism, and returned about three weeks ago. He went on crutches, but has discarded them. Though not entirely well he is a great deal better and has gained several pounds in weight.

From the Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., March 10, 1921

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