Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Dixon Car Falls From Swepsonville Bridge, Saved by Tree Stump, March 10, 1921

Automobile Falls from Bridge at Swepsonville

On last Sunday afternoon Simon Dixon and family from the southern part of the county were out driving in their automobile. Approaching the Swepsonville bridge from the west there is a sharp curve only a few yards from the high abutment. The driver failed to follow the curve and went off. A stump broke the fall and the machine landed on its side, after falling a distance of 20 feet. The machine was badly wrecked, one wheel being torn off and going into the river. But for the old stump, it is said the machine would have gone into the river. The occupants of the car were scratched and bruised. A small boy had his collar bone broken. It was almost a miraculous escape.

From the Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., March 10, 1921

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