Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Oil Companies to Pay Penny Tax on Gasoline, March 10, 1921

Oil Companies to Pay Tax on Gastonia>P> By Max Abernethy

Raleigh, March 10—The secretary of state’s office today completed arrangements for collecting the one cent per gallon on gasoline from the oil companies as is provided for in the $50 million road bill which was passed by the General Assembly.

Col. Joe Sawyer of the automobile license department of the office completed the details with representatives of the various oil companies doing business in North Carolina. While the law as drafted provides that the retailers should pay the tax but the oil companies have agreed, with the consent of the secretary of state, to pay the tax themselves. The tax will be paid on a monthly basis and under this plan can be done much more satisfactory, it is believed, than under the system that would have reuired every retailer dispensing gasoline to make a separate report.

Under this law the state will collect approximately three quarters of a million dollars annually from the sale of gasoline. This money is to be directed to road work in North Carolina.

From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, March 10, 1921

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