Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Instead of Leaving, Gilbert to Open Two Stores, Feb. 20, 1925

He Found It Hard to Get Out of Business. . . Gilbert Decides to Continue in Elizabeth City and Will Operate Two Stores

When O.F. Gilbert, proprietor of Mitchell’s Department Store, got his rent run up to $6,300 a year and decided to close out his business, he found it a harder job to get out than he anticipated. Not only did many friends insist on him remaining in Elizabeth City, but he found little pleasure in the thought of leaving it for good. And being obliged to vacate the building by March 1 he was unable to dispose of his stock in the short time allotted.

While contemplating a suitable location in which to house his goods temporarily, it struck him that a ladies’ ready-to-wear store would go good, and he last week leased a store in the Hinton Building next to the main entrance. Mr. Gilbert had already leased the building now occupied by E.S. Chesson & Son, in which to close out his stock but could not get the building until the Chesson firm had moved into the building now occupied by Mitchell’s.

Mr. Gilbert next week will move his stock in the Main Street store until the Chesson building is ready. Then the business of Mitchell’s Department Store will be continued on Poindexter Street. In the meantime, extensive alterations are being made to the Main Street stand and Mr. Gilbert will make this one of the most attractive ladies’ stores in this section, to be known as Gilbert’s.

The People’s Bargain Store will be closed out, enabling Mr. Gilbert to devote more time to the management of his two large stores. However, it may be that Mr. Gilbert will spend a part of his time in New Jersey with relatives. Just as he has spent a great deal of time during the summer in New York and New Jersey for the past several years. At this rate, Elizabeth City will not lose sight of him.

From page 4 of the Elizabeth City Independent, Friday, Feb. 20, 1925


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