Monday, February 3, 2025

L.P. Jordan, C.G. Moser Not Guilty of Fraudulent Use of Mails, Feb. 4, 1925

Two Defendants in the Bailey Case Freed. . . Judge Webb Orders Verdict of Not Guilty as to L.P. Jordan and C.G. Moser

By the Associated Press

Greensboro, N.C., Feb. 4—The government closed its case charging fraudulent use of the mails against 41 officials and stock salesmen of Bailey Brothers Inc., here at 10:15 o’clock this morning, and Judge E. Yates Webb presiding over the adjourned term of Federal Court directed verdicts of not guilty as to L.P. Jordan and C.G. Moser, two of the defendant salesmen, thereby cutting the number of those on trial to 39.

The only witness examined this morning was T.D. Dix, postal inspector who identified certain mail matter and records. The defense objected to the introduction of much of this evidence, but the government was sustained by Judge Webb.

At the conclusion of the government’s evidence, there was a motion from the representatives of practically every defendant for various interpretations of the evidence, and during the motion period the jury was excused from the court room. District Attorney Frank A. Lincoln agreed with Judge Webb as to the two salesmen against whom verdicts of not guilty were ordered.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Wednesday, Feb. 4, 1925

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