Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Pasquotank to Get Consolidated High School to Serve 600 Pupils, Feb. 20, 1925

County May Get New $100,000 High School. . . 20 Room Building Proposed for Consolidation of 10 Small Schools, Serving Nearly 600 Pupils

A proposed high school building to cost probably $100,000 may be built in Pasquotank County, somewhere in Nixtontown township, in the next year, if plans now under the consideration of the County Board of Education are carried out. The building would take care of more than 550 pupils in 10 small rural schools in the county.

The districts, with the number of pupils that may be consolidated in the proposed high school building are Nixontown with 34 pupils, Banks 51, part of Riverside with approximately 50, Cornith 50, Mt. Hermon 43, Okisko, 82, Smalls 31, Fork 100, Providence 39 and Berea 76.

Educational progress is handicapped in many of these schools which have long been inadequate. The proposed school would contain about 20 classrooms to allow for the growth of the school for several years to come, and would be thoroly equipped for home demonstration and agricultural training. A corps of 10 motor busses would be used to carry the children back and forth to school and with the present system of roads will be probably the most advantageously located school building in the county. In addition to the pupils mentioned above, this school would take care of upwards of 100 children now paying tuition in the Elizabeth City high school, relieving this already inadequate school system of a considerable burden.

Securing the funds for the school is the problem yet to be met. There is a probability that the General Assembly will appropriate sufficient funds for educational purposes that the county can borrow sufficient money to finance the school.

In the event, however, that this money is not provided, a bond issue may be voted on this spring which, if passed, will make possible the erection of the building before the school term of 1926.

This school will make Pasquotank’s third rural high school. The new Weeksville school completed in 1921 with 12 classrooms soon became inadequate and necessitates the building of eight additional rooms last year, to make it large enough for the bid districts of lower Pasquotank. This school cost about $75,000 in all.

From the front page of the Elizabeth City Independent, Friday, Feb. 20, 1925


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