Monday, March 3, 2025

Chief Coffey Injured Trying to Stop a Car, March 3, 1925

Chief Coffey Has Accident. . . Our Chief Gets Hurt Trying to Step from One Car to Another While Going at a Rapid Speed

On March 25th Sheriff Ingram and Chief Coffey received (a) complaint from a traveling man that some drunken men coming from the direction of Georgia had passed through Franklin and had gone toward Dillsboro. The officers pursued, came in sight of the tail light of the car on the other side of Cowee mountain. The men in the car the officers were pursuing evidently became suspicious and turned into a side road just as another car occupied by Dr. Wilkes of Sylva came out. The officers continued the pursuit of Dr. Wilkes, believing him to be the man they had originally started after. Dr. Wilkes was overtaken between Dillsboro and Sylva. Just as the officers’ car was drawing alongside of the doctor’s car Chief Coffey, who was on the running board, stepped from the car while it was going at a good rate of speed and fell heavily on the concrete road. Sheriff Ingram continued the pursuit of the car until it was overhauled and stopped. Seeing his mistake, the Sheriff apologized, and Dr. Wilkes proceeded on his way. Sheriff Ingram then returned to where Chief Coffey had fallen and found Mr. Wilson, the contractor for the Georgia road, had picked up the Chief. Mr. Wilson stated that he would carry the Chief to the hospital at Asheville, but Mr. Coffey preferred to return to Franklin. He was brought back to town and is still confined to his bed. It appears that no bones were broken, though Mr. Coffey was badly bruised innumerous places.

From the front page of the Franklin Press, Macon County, N.C., March 3, 1925. The banner of this issue is dated March 3, but this article is about something that happened March 25, so I’m not sure which date is correct.

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