Well, we’re glad to say that spring is almost here and we hope our “Flu Victtums” will soon be out again. The Flu has caused our attendance record at school to look bad.
Miss Mildred Garner has been quite ill at her home with tonsillitis.
Miss Bessie Barnes of Wildwood spent the week end with her cousins, Misses Etta and Ethel Lewis.
Messrs. David and Nathan Jessup of the U.S. Dredge Croatan called on Misses Etta, Ethel and Ada Lewis Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ward and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Garner.
Mr. Jerome Garner went to Camp Glenn on a business trip Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Hall were the guest of their sister, Mrs. B.F. Jones at Vernola Sunday afternoon.
The crew of the Dredge Croatan gave an oyster roast to the neighborhood people Sunday afternoon at the Adam’s landing. Plenty of oysters and a delightful time were reported.
Misses Etta and Ethel Lewis returned to their school at Newport Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. D.B. Garner, who has been quite sick, is able to be out again.
Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Hibbs are sporting a “brand new Ford.”
Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Hibbs, Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Garner and granddaughter Leona Carraway attended church at Wildwood Sunday.
Mr. Robert Millis and Roy Mann of Newport called on Miss Mildred Garner Sunday afternoon.
Messrs. W.J. Bryan and Nathan Jessup of the U.S. Croatan called on Miss Margaret Hall Sunday night.
Mrs. Lester Hall and baby spent Saturday with her mother-in-law, Mrs. D.J. Hall.
The school here is progressing nicely. Everybody is working hard for County Commencement. We’re so sorry to say we have only one month more of school.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor and family of Arapahoe spent the week end with Mrs. W.P. Taylor.
From page 2 of The Beaufort News, March 5, 1925
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