Friday, March 7, 2025

Henrietta News in the March 12, 1925, Issue of The Courier

Henrietta News

Henrietta, March 10—Mr. Henry Moore and family, of Charlotte, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Wease.

Mr. L.M. Daniel has moved his family back to his farm near Tanner’s Grove. Mr. Daniel will go back and forth to his work at the Henrietta Store during the summer months.

Mr. C.F. McMahan has resigned the position of overseer of the weaving department here. Mr. Neal of Union, S.C., will take his place.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Mahaffee and little son, Clyde Jr., visited Mr. W.L. Horn of Forest City Sunday.

The second quarterly conference of the Methodist church was held at the parsonage Saturday night by presiding elder Rev. Z. Paris. The regular Sunday morning services were conducted by Rev. Paris.

We are glad to see Mr. W.S. Moore out again after a week’s illness.

Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Smith and Miss Elizabeth Smith spent Sunday with Mr. R.L. Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cantrell and children of Avendale, spent the week end with Mrs. S.J. McMahan.

Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Lane visited relatives in Gaffney Sunday.

Miss Anie Bell Sane spent the week end in Rutherfordton visiting Miss Ola Lovelace.

Miss Sallie Wacaser spent the week end with Miss Virginia Edwards at Spindale.

Messrs. R.D. Dillard and John Lane were in Spartanburg Saturday on business.

From the front page of The Forest City Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1925. Is “Anie” a typo or how she spelled her name?

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