Mrs. Lon Jones and Mrs. Earl Harrill have bad cases of the flu.
Mrs. Erie Baynard, Mrs. Zennie Green, Mrs. John Green, Little Miss Mollie Owens, Misses Myrtle Nanney and Minnie Melton are all on the sick list.
Rev. H.C. Sink closed his meeting at Shelby Sunday night, with a number of professions and 11 added to the church. He will start a meeting at Caroleen next Thursday night, March 11th. We hope for him a good and successful meeting.
The Florence Baptist people are holding prayer meetings in the cottage homes this week. They are expecting to begin a revival meeting at their church in the near future.
The old stork has been very busy here for the last week. He visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Crow last Wednesday and left them a lovely little daughter, Evelyn.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edman Coffee, the 8th, a fine boy.
Mr. Fletcher Davis and Miss Sallie Anderson, both of this place, were married at Spartanburg last Saturday, March 7th. Their many friends wish them much joy in their new venture.
Little Miss Nellie White entertained a number of her friends at home Saturday, celebrating her birthday. They played many games. They also enjoyed the contests that were given. Many prizes were won. Nellie received a beautiful lot of presents. All enjoyed the afternoon very much. Each one returned to their home feeling very happy and wishing her many more birthdays.
From the front page of The Forest City Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1925. The item on Rev. Sink says he’ll start a meeting next Thursday night, March 11th, but the date in the banner of this paper is Thursday, March 12. Obviously, something is incorrect.
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